Showing posts with label Food And Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food And Medicine. Show all posts

Friday, 27 September 2013

अजवायन के औषधीय प्रयोग

  • देसी घी में अजवायन को कुछ महीनों के लिए भिगोकर रख दो ,उसके बाद हर रोज आटे में गूँथ देने से पेट के रोग जाते रहते हैं ....गर्भवती स्त्री और नवजात शिशु के लिए बहुत लाभकारी है ,जो दूध बच्चा माँ का पीता है उसमें रोग -प्रतिरोधक क्षमता दुगुनी हो जाती है ..............

    It is a common sight in India to see mothers and grandmothers handing out ajwain seeds to family members who have an upset stomach. Carom seeds or bishop's weed also known as ajwain is a common herb found in Indian households and is well known for properties that make it one of the most used home remedies. But other than being a good digestive aid, it has a number of other health benefits. Here are some of them:
    HEALTH BENIFITS OF AJWAIN - Trachyspermum ammi, commonly known as ajowan or ajwain, bishop's weed, ajowan caraway, carom seeds, or thymol seeds,or vaamu in Telugu or omam Tamil is a plant of India, Pakistan and the Near East whose seeds are used as a spice.

    1. Beat indigestion and flatulence:

    Ajwain is packed with tahymol. In fact it's the only plant in the world with the highest amount of thymol. This chemical is very effective in helping the stomach release gastric juices that speed up digestion. It is known to help in cases of indigestion, flatulence, nausea and relieve colicky pain in babies. Tip: Boil a teaspoon of the seeds in a cup of water till it is reduced to half, strain and drink this water for instant relief. Another good remedy for nausea is to take a teaspoonful of the seed and wrap it in a beetle leaf. Place this at the back of the mouth and swallow the juice slowly till as long as the leaf is intact.

    2.Improves digestion
    when your're pregnant or lactating:
    Due to its great anti-inflammatory and curative properties, ajwain is great for pregnant and lactating mothers. It helps to improve digestion, ward off constipation due to pregnancy and strengthens the muscles that make up the floor of the uterus. After pregnancy ajwain is known to heal the woman's body internally, reduce inflammation and helps maintain good circulation. In some cultures it is also believed to improve the production of milk in lactating mothers. Tip: It is important that mothers-to-be do not eat too much of this seed. The seed is known to increase the heat causing pitta levels in the body and can cause problems with the pregnancy.

    3. Relieves cough and asthma:

    The thymol, present in ajwain makes it a great local anaesthetic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is known to relieve congestion due to formation of phlegm even in severe cases. Tip: Crush a few seeds of ajwain, mix it with jaggery and eat the mixture like a toffee. Another quick method is to tie it in a soft cloth and heat the bundle over a warm tawa. Apply this warm bundle over the chest to relieve congestion immediately.

    4. Helps ease rheumatic and arthritic pain:

    Due to its anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic properties, ajwain is a good way to get rid of pain due to rheumatism and arthritis. Try soaking your aching joints in a basin of warm water with a few seeds of ajwain. Alternatively you could crush the seed and apply the paste on the affected area for instant relief.

    5. Instant relief from earache:

    Due to its antiseptic properties ajwain mixed with garlic and sesame oil provides instant relief from earache due to boils. If a person is suffering from earaches due to congestion, a good remedy is to heat ajwain with milk. Putting a few drops of either of the mixtures in the ear can help relieve pain and discomfort.

    6. Keeps the heart healthy:
    Due to the presence of niacin and thymol along with other vitamins, ajwain is very good in maintaining heart health. It has properties that improve nerve impulses and overall circulation within the heart. Tip: Have ajwain boiled in hot water on an empty stomach regularly to keep heart disease at bay.

    7. Cures hiccups instantly:

    As mentioned earlier, ajwain has properties that help reduce inflammation and soothes irritated nerves. Because of this, it is a great remedy to stop hiccups instantly. Have a few raw ajwain seeds with a few sips of water and watch your hiccups vanish instantly.

    8. Remedy for acidity:
    Since it helps improve digestion, ajwain also helps in relieving acidity. The thymol content helps release stomach acids which helps reduce the regurgitation of acids. Tip: Mix one teaspoon of ajwain with one teaspoon of jeera (cumin) and boil them in a glass of water. The solution should have a golden colour. Drink this whenever there is an attack of acidity for instant relief.

    9. Relieves pain due to migraines:

    Sniffing the fumes of ajwain or applying its paste on the head helps relieve the pain due to migraines. When the seed is burned or crushed into a poultice, it releases its essential oils high in thymol content, this gives it a pain relieving effect.
    (with thanks : Ms. Bharati Bhattacharyya, for her update in 'Food And Medicine')

    • Paras Bhati कितने घी में कितना अजवाईन मिलाना है।

    • डॉ. सरोज गुप्ता एक किलो घी में ढाई सौ ग्राम अजवायन .....जब आटा बनाएं तो दस रोटियों में एक छोटा चम्मच डाल दें ....

    • DrBhoj Kumar Mukhi सबके लिए ज्ञानवर्धक ...स्वास्थ्यवर्धक ..जानकारी उपलब्ध करना के लिए धन्यवाद्..डॉ साहिबा.. हमारे मौसा जी चुरका नाम से अर्क बनाते थे...लकड़ियों के चूल्हे पर ..जरूरत के अनुसार आंच रखते थे......सोंफ..आज्वायन..का....पूरे दिन में मात्र दो बोतलें ही बन पाती थी..उसी की बदोलत हमारा पूरा परिवार आज भी रोग-प्रतिरोधक शक्ति से पूरित है..


      *दर्द में ये तेल घर
      पर बनाकर लगाएं
      और देखें कमाल*

      अगर आप जोड़ो के दर्द,
      पसलियों के दर्द या ठंड में
      किसी अन्य तरह के दर्द से
      परेशान हैं तो अजवाइन से
      बेहतर कोई औषधि नहीं है।
      अजवाइन को आयुर्वेद में
      कई बीमारियों की एक
      दवा माना गया है।
      अजवाइन गैस व कफ के
      रोगों को दूर करने
      वाली है, दर्द,
      वायुगोला आदि रोगों का
      नाश करती है। आचार्य
      चरक के अनुसार अजवाइन
      दर्द को मिटाने वाली व
      भूख बढ़ाने वाली है।
      आचार्य सुश्रुत ने अजवाइन
      को दर्द निवारक व
      पाचक माना है।
      प्रसूता स्त्री के शरीर
      पर अजवाइन का चूर्ण
      मलने से प्रसव के कारण हुई
      शारीरिक पीड़ा दूर
      हो जाती है।
      कैसा भी जोड़ो का दर्द
      हो अगर उस पर अजवाइन
      का तेल बनाकर
      लगाया जाए तो दर्द में
      बहुत जल्दी राहत
      मिलती है। 10 ग्राम
      अजवाइन का तेल 10
      ग्राम पिपरमेंट और 20
      ग्राम कपूर
      तीनों को मिलाकर एक
      बोतल में भर दें। दर्द
      या कमरदर्द
      या पसलीदर्द, सिरदर्द
      आदि में तुरंत लाभ पहुंचाने
      वाली औषधि है। इसकी कुछ
      बूंदे मलिए, दर्द छूमंतर
      हो जाएगा। अजवाइन के
      तेल की मालिश करने से
      जोड़ों का दर्द जकडऩ
      तथा शरीर के अन्य
      भागों पर भी मलने से दर्द
      में राहत मिलती है।